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Collective Impact


What Is Collective Impact?​


Collective Impact is an approach to solving entrenched social problems. It requires a critical mass of a community’s leadership to collectively define and commit to solving a specific community problem. The Collective Impact approach acknowledges that only together, making a concerted and combined effort, can leaders make the lasting, system-level change required to address a community-wide problem.

Key Components of Collective Impact


Common Agenda

All participants have a shared vision for change including common understanding of the problem and a joint approach to solving it through agreed-upon actions.

Shared Measurement

Ensuring all partners collect data and measure results consistently ensures efforts remain aligned and participants can hold each other accountable.

Mutually Reinforcing Activities

To maximize resources and outcomes, partners’ efforts must be differentiated but coordinated through a mutually reinforcing plan of action.

Continuous Communication

Consistent and open communication is needed between partners to enable trust, mutual accountability, and sustained motivation.

Backbone Support

A strong Backbone of dedicated members coordinates the action and communication within the initiative. In Palatine, this is United Palatine Coalition. 

The Principles of Practice

  • Design and implement the initiative with a priority placed on equity

  • Include community members in the collaborative

  • Use data to continuously learn, adapt, and improve

  • Build a culture that fosters relationships, trust, and respect across participants

  • Customize for local context

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